Club Events

Clitheroe Garden ClubMeetings and talks of horticultural interest are held at Ribblesdale Wanderers Cricket and Bowling Club, Church Meadow, Brownlow Street, BB7 1HQ, Clitheroe on Wednesdays starting at 7.30 p.m.

In the winter there is either a dinner or social evening.  The last event was January 2024, lunch at the Calf’s Head.

In the summer we also organise trips to places of horticultural interest. In 2023 there was a Club Outing to Giles Farm, Thornley.

The Annual Show  is a large and successful event attracting both show entrants and many visitors. We are hoping to start these events up again but we need a co-ordinator to make these happen.  In 2019 the Annual Show was on 10 August at Edisford Primary School, Clitheroe, BB7 2LN.

The Sales Hut opens on Sunday mornings in the season (March to September) and is a very busy place.