Sales Hut

Sales Hut

The West View Sales Hut is open every Sunday morning from 10am to noon in September before closing for the winter, reopening in March

Sales Hut Closure

Sales Hut is closed on Easter Sunday and each of the holiday weekends in May.

Sales Hut Reopening

The Sales Hut at West View Allotments is reopening on 5 March 2023. It will be open to members most Sunday mornings from 10am to noon for the sale of compost, plants, seeds, etc.

Peat Free Compost – Why?

The Committee have decided to sell only peat-free compost at the Sales Hut because of the impact of the use of peat in both climate and environment. Unfortunately, because we sell only the best quality Sylva there are currently difficulties with supply as more people become aware of the importance of going peat-free. Sylva is endorsed by the RHS and approved by the Soil Association. At present we are selling topsoil and farmyard manure as alternatives.

In case anyone’s forgotten why it might be worth trying alternatives to peat click –

                                                                                                               Peat Free